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IMMATERIAL SPACES. Architecture faces to meditation
Collateral Event of the 12th International Architecture Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia
Opening to the public: 26th august -30th september 2010, tue-sun 11am-7pm (closed on monday)Opening
: August 26th, 6.30pm
Building 17 – Isola di San Servolo VE
: Art Experience
: Silvia Ross 329 1283124
Web site:
e-mail: info@artexperience.biz
Coordination: Arte Communications
Paolo De Grandis
Deputy Commissioner: Carlotta
Press e-mail:pressoffice@artecommunications.com
With the collaboration of:
Roy Martina Experience; La Voce.net; HRD Training Group
With the partecipation of:
Roy Martina; Ciro Imparato; Roberto Re
Music by: Lajos Sitas

Openness to new horizons of contemporary life expression, defines the participation of Art Experience in the 12th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, with the Collateral Event Immaterial spaces through solutions that act on space changing the atmosphere and perception.
It is the opportunity to test the role of architecture that communicates with the individual in the projection of purpose, enhancing human capital as a resource for the evolutionary process. Public meeting where harmony is the basic prerequisite for a life connected to the search of new spiritual values, aiming to generate knowledge and aesthetic experiences for immediate metamorphosis that speaks to his audience, accessing inner strength.
Art Experience in collaboration with Roy Martina faces to architecture in a multi-sensory meditation, to organize the immaterial spaces of the mind and spirit in an Atelier of Wellness Feng-shui style.

The venue of the event will be San Servolo Island. Recovered, preserved and promoted by Province of Venice by an extensive policy of
development and cultural programming, especially in September, on the occasion of the Art and Architecture Biennale, the Venice FilmFestival and the Open event, San Servolo becomes a place of ideal comfort to take part to the event, thanks to its natural environment,educational character, disposition to the dialogue between cultures and experiences. 

The event is supported by important partnerships in its guide to self wellness:
Roy Martina, expert in oriental medicine and founder of Omega Healing, expresses the values of meditation for the first time in an artistic context.
For the Italian version he takes advantage of the attractive dubbing of Ciro Imparato in applying his method FourVoiceColors consisting in the use of voice to generate emotional states, and of the response to music performance of Lajos Sitas as engaging contribution to the effectiveness of the route.
One of the main trainers in Europe, Roberto Re as HRD Training Group, thorough the One Day Seminar, will encourage the beginning of meetings to involve actively young people audience from the art and architecture academic institutions, with the aim of transferring positive impulses to improve the perceptual abilities in individual expression, the activation of connection processes and to use new and more effective communication languages, useful to the profit growth and personal development also in the sector.

The contemporary vision of space where the individual is in the center, strongly supported and promoted by the director of the Biennale Kazuyo Sejima, expresses the new horizons of change and its evolution in the extension of the senses on open ability to listen.

Setting up project: Studio HYD
Graphic design: Agenzia Tratti

Thanks to: San Servolo Servizi; Nordesteuropa; Livio Felluga
With the patronage of: Provincia di Venezia
Social partner: lifeisbetter.it