Iran - Mahdiyar Arab



Mahdiyar was able to make shapes of animals and his imaginative creatures from 3 years old quite creatively and without training in two dimensions by using paper, and later little by little after a few months, his parents acquainted him with clay material. They became aware of his talent in this field astonishingly. He was also able to make all his interesting statuses in the shortest time without using any tools and training. The maximum time that he consumes for making a status has been between three to five minutes. Due to investigation and research on his high spirit and art works at the age of five, the psychologists noticed that at that time he had the talent and qualification of a thirteen years old young boy with 148 IQ scale. The existence of his creativity and high ability was due to the extraordinary calculation and quick mental ability that would take less than few seconds between observation, recording and analyzing. It is essential to mention that the talent of this young artist is in a way that he is capable of making his imaginative statuses without looking at his hands in less than possible time. This has astonished many of the art artists and critics inside and outside of the Iran. He uses a complete realism style to make his statuses. He uses solid material, it means that he does not make the parts of his considering status separately to join them, but he starts from head all the way down and ends to the feet.

Our outstanding artists of our dear country Iran such as master Pedarami, master Moghdam, master Kafshchian, master Espahbodi, master Akbari, master Nasehi, master Mousavi Zade and other artists from different nations wondered about the talent of Mahdiyar.

Mahdiyar has realized 23 tableaus and 30 standing statuses: Master Farshchiyan Ashora’s tableau that he has made it into status and figure; Ghadir tableau that was presented under special circumstances and in the presence of few staff of mass media and a group of artists and authorities in Niavaran palace exhibition; the rest arts mostly related to living environment and wilderness.


Text by
parents of the artist