Stratagems in Architecture: Hong Kong in Venice 建築兵法

Collateral Event of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition– La Biennale di Venezia

Showcase of Hong Kong’s Architectural Excellence

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation (HKIABF) and Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) jointly organize the exhibition titled “Stratagems in Architecture: Hong Kong in Venice” (建築兵法) to participate in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia under the sponsorship by Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The Organizers are pleased to announce that Mr. Stanley SIU (Chief Curator), Mr. Aden CHAN, Mr. Sunny YUNG, Mr. Kwok Kin SO, Mr. Kenneth TSE, Mr. Angus NGAI and Mr. Paul YIP have been appointed curators of the exhibition following a public call for proposals. The curators have long experience in curating similar exhibition including “Past. Present. Future. Tacking Hong Kong Architecture” in 2015 showcased thirty winning projects from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards. In response to Alejandro Aravena’ overall theme of “REPORTING FROM THE FRONT”, the Curatorial Team has developed concepts for the exhibition.


Hong Kong is a city known for its versatility and resilience; yet what is often seen in daily life is rigidity and lack of alternatives. Architecture, under such circumstance, becomes an agency reflecting on human, social and even political conditions, and at the same time moulding the values of the public. On one hand, it conforms to the rules of capitalism and private demand; on the other, it seeks to transcend the norm and open up imagination. What lies in between could be conflictive and creates endless and ever-changing battlefields. New ideas are put to test at the borderline; they may fail or they may transform into new set of values. Working on the margins often unveils the social dilemma – whether human need should be replaced by the need for progress and wealth.

The classical Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems is a collection of military tactics applied at wars in ancient China. The wisdom provides guides in politics, business and civil interaction in modern time. The stratagems are categorized into chapters that illustrate different situations, both advantageous and disadvantageous. Drawing reference from the classic, the exhibiting architects and artists examine the challenges they face and attempt to provide solutions to the complexity of reality.

The situations they chose tell the battles that they are fighting, which can be personal as well as social. A battleground may root in their practices or at different aspects in everyday life and in society. The extremely high real estate prices, highly dense living space, dominant market force, visionless sense and practice to urban renewal, housing planning and environmental friendliness - the exhibiting architects and artists unfold the challenges and the pressing needs of the public, and try to tackle the issues with their solutions inspired by the age-old wisdom. They see themselves not merely practitioners in architecture or art, but activists in making a difference. Their works are commentaries on social reality. Individual practitioners come up with proposals using unique language in architectural or art practices, they coalesce into a think-tank to experiment ways to survive at the margin and win the battles.

Stratagems in Architecture: Hong Kong in Venice”
in the 15th InternationalArchitecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia

Date      26 - 27 May 2016 (Preview);
28 May – 27 November 2016 (Open to public)

Venue  Campo della Tana, Castello 2126-30122 Venice, Italy (opposite the main entrance of Arsenale)


The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation(HKIABF)

Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC)


Mr. Stanley SIU

Stanley Siu studied in New Zealand and received his Bachelor Degree of Architecture from UNITEC School of Architecture. He returned to Hong Kong after graduation and has practiced as an architect on a number of residential, commercial, master planning, cultural and sustainability projects in Hong Kong and China. In 2012, Stanley founded the international awards winning Hong Kong-based architectural firm Daydreamers Design. Daydreamers Design has participated in the 2013 Lantern Wonderland competition organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board and has received the Gold Award. In 2014, Stanley has received the Young Architect Awards organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, one of the most prestigious awardsin the field of Art and Architecture in Hong Kong.



The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation

Hong Kong Arts Development Council




Coordinator in Venice:  PDG Arte Communications

For general administrative matters, please contact the Organizer:

HKIA Secretariat Ms. Tobe TO


Tel: (852) 2805 7335 or (852) 2511 7827

For curatorial matters, please contact Curatorial Team:

Curatorial Team Curator Mr. Stanley Siu / Mr. Paul Yip


Tel: (852) 6431 7855

For media matters, please contact PR agency

A-World Consulting Ltd. Ms. Anna Lee


Tel: (852) 9150 1890


Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.



 Mr. SIU Kwok Kin, Stanley_First Confession


 Mr. CHAN Pui Hong, Aden_Memory Tanks


 Mr. SO Kwok Kin_One verse Ten Thousands - A Hometown Trilogy




 TSE Kam Wing, Kenneth_Full Script of the Viva Blue House






 NGAI Chung Hon, Angus_The Unlimited Quality of Limited Space


 Mr. IP Chung Man, Tony_Architecture for Green Living


 Mr. TANG Yiu Lun, Jason_Verso - Spatial Poverty & Diversity



 MA Kit Yi, Maggie_A Rumination of Life, Money and Personal Space



 TANG Kwok Hin_The Surface of Wind and Light



 CHAN Sim_SkyKite


 IP Vaan_Transmigrate