Mobility & Memory

Collateral Event of the 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia


Organisation: The Macao Museum of Art under the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, P.R. China
Artists: Edgar André Borrego Martins; James, Chu Cheok Son; Alice Kok; João Jorge Magalhães and Mafalda Vilaça Botelho
Curator: Noah, Ng Fong Chao
Coordinator in Venice: Arte Communications
Venue: Arsenale, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126/A, Venice
Preview: 31st May,1-2-3 June 2011 / 10 am – 7 pm /
 Official Opening: 2 June 2011, 4:00 pm
Opening to the public: 4 June - 27 November 2011 / 10 am – 6 pm (closed on Mondays except 6 June, 15 August and 21 November)
The Macao Museum of Art under the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, P.R. China is proud to announce the third official participation as a collateral event in the International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia.
‘Mobility & Memory’ curated by Noah, Ng Fong Chao will show artworks by Edgar André Borrego Martins; James, Chu Cheok Son; Alice Kok; João Jorge Magalhães and Mafalda Vilaça Botelho.
‘Mobility & Memory’ is the theme for the submissions from Macao artists participating in the 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia. The 21st Century is a ‘mobile’ era; in the new globalised economic system the idea of ‘mobility’ becomes both incredibly easy and also necessary, resulting in a new mode of living. The development of society has thus created various changes and the intensity and frequency of the replenishment of the old with the new is much heightened. An enormous number of old buildings are torn down and what the new buildings represent is not only a new image of the city but new spatial politics and a rewritten geo-culture.
How do people face the disposal of old values and the cutting off of their past cultural history? How do people living in a state of continuous mobility confront the passing of time and the forgotten memories of self? How does one re-produce individual memories and emotions? Apart from the great chronicles of history, how will soon-to-be flattened individual styles and characteristics be transcribed? Artists are usually the group with the most acute sensibility: the source of artistic creation comes from where artists are living at the moment.
Arte Communications
T. +39 0415264546 F. +39 0412769056
The Macao Museum of Art
tel. (853) 87919814 Fax. (853) 2875 1317
Avenida Xian Xing Hai, s/n, N.A.P.E., Macao